Violation of the European norm

A model (OPS-pro 4.1) formulated by the Planning Office for the Environment estimates the norms for fine particles and nitrogen dioxide in regions where the concentrations were too high. This model calculates the background conditions for the entire country, using air quality data (sample survey), meteorological data, data on the amount of local traffic and industrial and household emissions. The rapport ‘The Operational Priority Substances model, Van Jaarsveld, J.A., Rapport 500045001, RIVM, 2004‘ can be accessed on the RIVM website.

The EMPARA-Luvotool is used for a more accurate estimate of the contribution of local traffic to air pollution. The data are subject to a margin of error due to estimates of the parameters of the models and fluctuations in the amount of road traffic. The graphs and tables only refer to municipalities where more than 200 people are affected by pollution.