Selection of Statistics Netherlands releases in the period 21-25 April 2008 (Week 17).
Publication (in Dutch) at 9.30 hrs.
| Reporting period |
Monday 21 April
Prices of existing houses |
March 2008 |
Revenues from natural gas |
� |
Motor vehicle tax |
2008 |
Operating surplus in secondary and tertiary education |
� |
Consumption of sustainable energy |
2007 |
Tuesday 22 April
Employment and income following mass redundancies (WRR-CBS) |
� |
Mothers who want to work (more) |
� |
Long-term unemployment |
� |
Labour participation of mothers |
� |
Integration of labour migrants |
� |
Wednesday 23 April
Childcare |
2007 |
Car lease prices |
� |
Distibution of people from Rotterdam across the Netherlands |
� |
Thursday 24 April
Security and crime |
2008 |
Casualties in traffic |
2007 |
Consumer spending 1) |
February 2008 |
Business Cycle Tracer |
April 2008 |
Business sentiment survey (business services) |
April 2008 |
Consumer confidence survey 1) |
April 2008 |
Producer confidence (business sentiment survey) 1) |
April 2008 |
Friday 25 April
None |
1) Including flash. |