8.5 thousand Kosovars in the Netherlands

Just over 76 thousand first and second generation former Yugoslavs were living in the Netherlands on 1 January 2008. An estimated 11 percent of these, some 8.5 thousand, can be counted as Kosovars.
Percentage of former Yugoslavs in the Netherlands by region of origin
Many Kosovars are refugees
Most Kosovars living in the Netherlands arrived here in 1999 and 2000. In 1998 an armed conflict developed between Serbia and the Serbian province of Kosovo, as the predominantly ethnic Albanian population of Kosovo fought for more autonomy. This conflict resulted in a considerable stream of refugees, of whom a number arrived in the Netherlands.
Annual percentage of immigrants from Kosovo
Young population
Kosovars in the Netherlands are a relatively young population group. One third of them are younger than 15 years. The large percentage of younger people is partly the result of the traditionally high fertility of Kosovars and partly because they came to the Netherlands relatively recently, and most migrants are between twenty and thirty years old when they migrate.
Kosovars in the Netherlands by age, 1 January 2004
Lada Mulalic and Carel Harmsen