Job vacancies remain at record level

According to figures released today by Statistics Netherlands, the number of job vacancies in the Netherlands remains high. After correction for seasonal effects, there were 236 thousand vacancies at the end of 2007. This is the same number as in the previous quarter when the vacancies hit the record level. The labour market is thus favourable for people looking for work and people who ant to change jobs.
Fourth quarter stable
The number of job vacancies hit a low point at the end of September 2003, when there were only 90 thousand job vacancies. Since then the number has increased to the record number of 236 thousand in the third quarter of 2007. On average the number of vacancies grew by just over 9 thousand a quarter, then remained stable in the last quarter of 2007. In this quarter the number of vacancies in trade and business services rose, while it decreased slightly in the other sectors of industry.
Growth in vacancies at large companies
Before correction for seasonal effects, there were 19 thousand more vacancies on 31 December 2007 than twelve months previously. The growth was mainly in vacancies with large companies, i.e. companies with at least hundred employees. On 31 December 2007 there were 102 thousand vacant jobs at these companies, 17 thousand more than twelve months previously. Medium-sized companies had only 3 thousand vacancies more at the ed of December 2007 than twelve months previously, at 75 thousand. The number of vacant positions at small companies was even slightly lower than in the previous year.
Slightly more dynamic
The numbers of new and filled vacancies show that the labour market was slightly more dynamic than in 2006. In the fourth quarter of 2007, 244 thousand new vacancies were created, 3 thousand more than twelve months previously. The number of vacancies filled came to 243 thousand, 4 thousand more than twelve months previously.