230 bankruptcies in December

In December 2007, a total of 230 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) went bankrupt in the Netherlands. This is an 18 percent reduction on one year previously.

As the number of businesses declared bankrupt is closely related to the number of days courts are in session, it may vary strongly from month to month. Therefore, the three-monthly moving average is a more reliable indicator. This average decreased considerably to 288 in December and was thus back at the level of mid-2007.

In 2007, nearly 3,600 businesses and institutions were liquidated, a decrease by more than 600 relative to 2006. More than 40 percent of the decrease involved financial institutions and business service providers.

More information with respect to company liquidations and individual insolvencies in 2007 can be found in the press release “Fewer individual insolvencies and company liquidations in 2007” published on 8 February 2007.

Bankruptcies of businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses)

Bankruptcies of businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses)