Statistics Netherlands' neighbourhood figures in Google Earth
On its website, Statistics Netherlands has recently introduced the option of accessing its neighbourhood figures via Google Earth.
Neighbourhood figures becoming more important
As many municipal redivisions have been introduced in the last few years, the areas of municipalities have increased. As a result the demand for information at district and neighbourhood level is increasing. Towns and villages that used to be separate municipalities have now become districts or neighbourhoods within a larger municipality.
Population density via Google Earth
There may be significant differences between neighbourhoods and districts within one municipality. In 2006, for example, the average population density in Emmen was 322 inhabitants per square kilometre. Within the municipality, however, the density varied between 1 inhabitant per square kilometre in the Delftlanden neighbourhood, and 3.9 thousand inhabitants per square kilometre in the Bargeres neighbourhood.
Google Earth aerial photograph with Statistics Netherlands’ neighbourhood borders
An aerial photograph shows clearly which parts of Emmen are more densely populated than others. The Statistics Netherlands map layer in Google Earth shows exactly how high population density is in Emmen’s various neighbourhoods.
Google Earth aerial photograph with Statistics Netherlands’ neighbourhood figures
High population density, most young people, highest house prices
In addition, the Google Earth application shows other figures at neighbourhood level, such as number of inhabitants, household composition, average income and average house values.
It is thus possible to look at the most densely populated neighbourhood in the Netherlands, or the neighbourhood with the highest percentage of young people or the neighbourhood with the most expensive houses in the Netherlands.
Caroline van Houwelingen