Job vacancies at record level

The number of job vacancies in the Netherlands has never been so high. After correction for seasonal effects, 236 thousand jobs were vacant at the end of September 2007. This is 13 thousand more than in the previous quarter. The large number of vacancies fits in the overall pictures of a very favourable labour market. Unemployment is also down, according to figures released by Statistics Netherlands today.
Growth continues
The number of vacancies hit a low point at the end of September 2003. At that time there were only 90 thousand vacant jobs. Since the number of jobs has increased. At the end of September 2007 there were 236 thousand vacant jobs in the Netherlands, 13 thousand more than in the previous quarter. The increase is thus continuing.
Increase across all industries
The number of vacancies rose across all sectors of the economy. The number of available jobs in manufacturing and construction rose by 3 thousand to 45 thousand. In trade and business services, too, the increase was 3 thousand. Trade had 38 thousand vacant positions, while business services were looking for 56 thousand workers.
Dynamics down slightly
The labour market has become slightly less dynamic. This is reflected in the number of new vacancies and the number of vacancies filled. In the third quarter of 2007 255 thousand new vacancies were created, 9 thousand fewer than twelve months previously. The number of vacancies filled in the same period was 266 thousand, 8 thousand fewer than twelve months previously. The market remains very dynamic, however.