Number of bankruptcies hardly changed
In August, a total of nearly 310 businesses and institutions (excluding one-man businesses) went bankrupt. This amount is almost equivalent to the month before, but more than 11 percent down on August 2006.
As the number of businesses declared bankrupt in a particular month is closely related to the number of days courts are in session, it may vary strongly from month to month. Therefore, the three-monthly moving average is a more reliable indicator.
The three-monthly average stood at 291 bankruptcies in August. The average for July was 297. It changed little in recent months, whereas in the preceding eighteen months there was a distinctly downward trend. By the end of 2005, the three-monthly average was well over 400.
More details on the amount of bankruptcies can be found in the focus article: “Bankruptcy rate continues to decline”, published on 20 August.