Turnover retail sector almost 2 percent up

Dutch retailers realised almost 2 percent more turnover in May 2007 than in May last year. Turnover volume remained more or less the same. Prices were almost 2 percent higher.

May’s turnover increase was clearly smaller than in the first months of this year. In the first quarter of 2007 turnover grew by 5 percent. The smaller increase was mainly the result of the high level of retail turnover in May last year.

The increase in turnover in is largely the result of higher turnover of shops selling food, drink and tobacco. Their turnover increased by 4 percent compared with one year ago. Supermarkets in particular did good business. Their turnover increased by nearly 5 percent. Specialist food shops had to make do with a one percent increase.

In contrast to the preceding months, turnover of shops in the non-food sector increased only slightly in May compared with the same month last year. Clothes shops even saw their turnover decrease, while in March and April these shops realised the highest turnover increase in the non-food sector. Shops selling consumer electronics realised the highest growth rate in May: over 6 percent.

The figures published in this update have been adjusted from those published on 12 July. The revision is based on new and more detailed information about retail trade in May.

Turnover in retail trade

Turnover in retail trade