On-line public services popular

Nearly half of Dutch Internet users used the Internet for contacting government authorities in 2006. In addition 15 percent indicated that they planned to do this in the future.  

Using public services on-line, 2006

Using public services on-line, 2006

On-line tax declarations especially popular

For Internet users who already use on-line public services or are planning to do so, submitting tax declarations on-line is the service they used most. Seven out of every ten people in this group submitted their tax declaration on-line. This proportion will rise further in coming years: 18 percent of this group of Internet users reported that they intended to submit their tax declarations on-line in the future.

Most users are interested in government sites

In addition to using the Internet for tax declarations. Dutch Internet users were also interested in doing other government business via the Internet, especially notification of change of address (85 percent) and applying for documents such as passports and driving licences (74 percent).

Use of and interest in on-line public services, 2006

Use of and interest in on-line public services, 2006

Objections against the Internet

More than one third of Dutch Internet users object to using the Internet to maintain contact with various public services.  The lack of personal contact was named by 35 percent as the main reason. The lack of an immediate reaction (16 percent) and concerns about security of the information provided (13 percent) were reasons not to contact government services on-line.

Reasons not to use on-line contact with the government, 2006

Reasons not to use on-line contact with the government, 2006

Ger Sleijpen