Modest rise in consumption in February

Dutch households spent 1.2 percent more on goods and services in February this year than in the same month last year. This growth is slightly larger than that in January, but smaller than the average for last year. Consumers spent 0.5 percent more on goods and 1.9 percent more on services, according to figures released by Statistics Netherlands.
More spent on durable goods
Households spent 5.8 percent more on durable goods in February than twelve months previously. They spent more on clothes and shoes in particular. The consumption increase for durable goods in February was at around the same level as last year. The growth in spending on food, drink and tobacco was modest, at 0.4 percent.
Gas consumption down again
February, too, was a mild winter month. Households used just over 20 percent less gas than in the same month last year. This pushed down spending on other goods by 5.4 percent. In addition to gas, other goods include books, plants, cosmetics and motor fuels. The low consumption of gas tempered overall consumption growth by about 0.5 of a percent point.