
Period: Week 17 (23-27 April 2007)

  Press releases (9:30 hrs)
English version available later the same day.   
23-04-2007   Casualties in traffic, 2006  
27-04-2007   Company savings schemes, 2006  
27-04-2007   Security and crime, 2007  
  Economic monitor (9:30 hrs)
English version available later the same day.   
25-04-2007 1)   Consumer confidence survey, April 2007  
25-04-2007 1)   Producer confidence (business sentiment survey), April 2007  
26-04-2007   Business Cycle Tracer (update), April 2007  
27-04-2007   Producers' prices, March 2007  
  Web magazine (15:00 hrs)
English version available the following day.   
23-04-2007   Asylum requests in Europe  
23-04-2007   Life course regulation  
23-04-2007   Strikes  
23-04-2007   Income support for one-parent families  
25-04-2007   Flash divorces  
25-04-2007   Compensation payments for childcare  
25-04-2007   Heavy cars  
