More wind energy, less biomass

The share of renewable energy in Dutch energy consumption increased marginally last year. In 2006, renewable domestic sources accounted for 2.6 percent of total Dutch energy consumption, as against 2.4 percent in 2005. The erection of a large number of high-capacity wind turbines contributed to the increase.
Renewable energy from domestic energy sources
Wind energy booming
Electrical energy generated by wind turbines increased by one-third in 2006 and constituted 0.7 percent of total Dutch energy supply. Stepped-up generation of electricity from wind turbines is mainly due to a considerable increase in the number of new, high-capacity wind turbines in, for instance, Delfzijl and Flevoland. There were also more windy days in 2006.
Less biomass combusted
Combustion of biomass in power stations was reduced by about 5 percent in 2006, relative to one year previously. Over the period 2003-2005, the amount of biomass used for combustion in power stations was increased fourfold.
Biomass combustion in power stations for electricity generation
Biomass combustion was reduced by half in the last six months of 2006. A change in the subsidy scheme, implemented on 1 July 2006, might be a reason for the reduction. When the whole year is taken into account, biomass combustion in power stations is the technology which still makes the most substantial contribution (one-third) to total renewable energy production.
Marginal increase in electricity generation from renewable resources
Approximately three-quarters of renewable energy is converted into electricity. Domestic production of renewable electricity rose from 6.1 percent of total electricity consumption in 2005 to 6.6 percent in 2006.
Last year, import of green electricity accounted for 7.9 percent of total Dutch electricity consumption. More than half of green electricity sold in the Netherlands comes from abroad.
Reinoud Segers
Source: StatLine