Product groups

The importance of a group of goods in the total inflation rate according to the HICP depends on price developments within that group, but also on how much money consumers spend on it.
Weighing factors can be shown per group of products as euros spent per 100 000 euro in total expenditure. These weighing factors are calculated each year for each eurozone country. The differences in the weighing factors show the differences in the consumption patters of the countries. The weights may change over time because consumers start buying more or buying less of a given product, but also because price rises may result in a greater share in expenditure.

The spending patterns in the Netherlands are different from the eurozone average in several areas in the HICP. This may have very specific statistical causes. Because the costs of owning a home are not included in the HICP, the weighing of rents is also related to the share of renting and home ownership.
The expenditure on health care in the HICP only includes the part that is not covered by social insurances. The health insurance system in a country therefore also plays a major role in the weighing.
Developments in the expenditure on education in the Netherlands were mainly influenced by the abolition of tuition for some students in 2005. Education is only a small part of the expenditure.