Sharp rise in exports of oil products

The Netherlands exported more than 75 million tonnes of petroleum products in 2005. This was more than the amount exported by any other major European country.

One quarter of imports comes from Russia

Imports of raw materials for the petroleum industry  amounted to more than 106 million tonnes. This includes both crude oil and natural gas condensate, a liquid by-product of natural gas extraction. More than one quarter of these imported raw materials came from Russia, mainly crude oil. Saudi Arabia and Norway were also important suppliers of crude oil. In the Netherlands itself, just over 2 million tonnes of crude oil was extracted in 2005. Algeria was the main supplier of natural gas condensate.

Imports of raw materials by country of origin, 2005

Imports of raw materials by country of origin, 2005

Half of raw materials re-exported

Roughly half of raw materials for the petroleum industry which are imported into the Netherlands are re-exported again immediately. The Netherlands is therefore a transit country with respect to these raw materials.

Some of the raw materials, together with among other things heavy fuel oil, are used by the petrochemical industry and refineries to make petroleum products.

A very large part of these products are exported. In 2005 the Netherlands exported 75 million tonnes of petroleum products, 7 percent more than in 2004, of which one sixth was re-exported. This amount is more than any other major European country.

Exports of petroleum products, 2005

Exports of petroleum products, 2005

Exports of heavy fuel oil and petrol rising strongly

The largest part of exports of petroleum products (21 million tonnes) in 2005 consisted of diesel and light fuel oil. These fuels are used in road transport and agriculture among other things. A lot of heavy fuel oil (17 million tonnes) and petrol (11.6 million tonnes) was also exported.

Exports of heavy fuel oil in particular, which is mainly used as fuel for cargo ships, and petrol rose strongly in 2005 compared with 2004, by  29 and 19 percent respectively.

Exports of petroleum products

Exports of petroleum products

Sander Brummelkamp and Ram Sardjoepersad

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