Emission of greenhouse gases

Emission figures for 2005 presented in this article are provisional and based on, for instance, data of the Energy Supply in the Netherlands, published by Statistics Netherlands and on provisional production figures. Definitive figures for 2005 will be released in the spring of 2007 in the Environmental Balance, StatLine, the Environmental Compendium and on the website of the Emission Registration.

Emission figures are the result of close cooperation between various institutions participating in the Emission Registration, which registers emissions of polluting substances into air, water and soil and the release of waste matter. A large number of institutions are involved in the Emission Registration, for instance, Statistics Netherlands (CBS), the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP), the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food quality, the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, SenterNovem (Waste Management) and the Netherlands Organisation of Applied Scientific Research (TNO).