Sharp increase in the number of stores specialising in water sports

The number of stores selling water sports articles increased by 70 percent between 1996 and 2006. Most stores are in the coastal provinces.

Sharp increase over the last two years

The number of stores selling water sports articles increased sharply in the last decade. At the start of 2006 there were 400 stores selling water sports articles, compared to 235 ten years before. There were especially large increases in 2004 (14 percent) and in 2005 (8 percent).

Number of stores selling water sports articles

Number of stores selling water sports articles

Many small companies

Stores selling water sports articles are usually small companies. Over half do not have any employees and there are less than 5 employees in 90 percent of the companies. Apart from the increase in the number of retail stores selling water sports articles, there has also been a sharp increase in the wholesale trade in water sports articles over the last decade. Between 1996 and 2006 the number of wholesalers doubled from 145 to 295. They are also usually small companies: over two thirds have no employees.

Concentration in the costal areas

Over half of the stores selling water sports articles are located in three provinces. Most are in North Holland (90), followed by South Holland with 75 stores. Friesland is in third place with 65 stores selling water sports articles. In Friesland their number nearly doubled in the last six years.

Number of stores selling water sports articles per province

Number of stores selling water sports articles per province

Water sports areas popular

The Dutch water sports areas have been popular holiday destinations for years. Since 2002 about one third of the Dutch population on a domestic holiday opts for a tourist area where water is a major feature. The North Sea seaside resorts are the most popular, followed by the Wadden islands and the Delta area

Ken Arentsen