Soaring international trade in mobile phones

The Netherlands imported and exported more than 36 million mobile phones in 2005, a huge increase compared with 1999, when almost 8 million mobile phones crossed the Dutch border in either direction. Asia’s share as a supplier of mobile phones is increasing all the time. The largest part of Asia’s export goes to EU countries.

Increased import and export

Last year, 23.4 million mobile phones were imported into the Netherlands, a 25 percent increase on 2004. Export did not expand so fast and totalled 13 million in 2005, an increase by 6 percent on twelve months ago.

Import of mobile phones

Import of mobile phones

Most mobile phones manufactured in Asia

In 2005, Asia accounted for 80 percent of the total import of mobile phones, whereas in 2000, Asia’s share in the import of mobile phones was only 12 percent. The unusual growth is mainly caused by a soaring import from China over the last two years.

China main manufacturer of mobile phones

In 2005, nearly 10 million mobile phones were imported from China, whereas in 2000 import of mobile phones from China was still negligible. As from 2004, China’s share has risen distinctly and more than doubled in 2005, compared to one year previously. The top 5 of most important suppliers are all situated in Asia. The first EU country is Hungary in 6th place.

Export mainly to other European countries

In 2005, over 90 percent of the export of mobile phones went to EU countries. Main importers were the United Kingdom, Spain and France. A large part of the total import of mobile phones is re-exported to countries elsewhere in Europe.

Export of mobile phones

Export of mobile phones

Wiel Packbier