Factory gate prices up again

Selling prices of the Dutch manufacturing industry increased by 0.5 percent in March 2006 compared to February. This was the third month in a row that they rose. Export prices increased most: by 0.6 percent. Prices for products sold in the Netherlands were 0.3 percent up on February.

Selling prices were on average 5.6 percent higher in March 2006 than in the same month last year. Selling prices on the domestic market were 4.9 percent higher than the year before and export prices 6.0 percent.

Prices of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods used in the manufacturing industry increased by 0.7 percent in March compared to February this year. Prices of imported raw materials and semi-manufactures rose by 1.0 percent. Prices of domestic raw materials and semi-manufactured goods increased by 0.3 percent.

In March 2006 prices of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods were 11.1 percent higher than in March last year. Imported raw materials and semi-manufactures were 12.8 percent more expensive and domestic raw materials and semi-manufactures 8.4 percent.

Prices of crude oil and oil products largely account for the development of producer prices. Excluding the oil industry, selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were 2.7 percent higher in March 2006 than twelve months previously; prices of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods were 6.2 percent higher.

Factory gate prices

Factory gate prices