Consumption growth presses ahead

In February 2006, households spent 2.6 percent more on goods and services than a year earlier. It is the highest growth rate in recent years. In February households spent more on durable goods in particular. This is according to the most recent figures by Statistics Netherlands, corrected for price changes and shopping days.
More consumption of goods
Consumption growth in February is almost entirely attributable to goods. Households spent 4.9 percent more on goods than the year earlier. The growth rate in the consumption of services was limited to 0.6 percent. For nine months the expenditure on goods has been growing faster than the expenditure on services. The increase in the expenditure on services has hovered around half a percent for more than a year.
More cars and electronics bought
In February consumers spent especially more on durable goods. Expenditure was up by 10.8 percent on the year before. Consumers bough more electronics in particular. Clothing, shoes and home furnishings were popular. For the first time in over a year, the expenditure on cars was higher than the year before.
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