Unemployment further reduced

In the period October-December 2005 an average of 447 thousand people were unemployed. The seasonally adjusted unemployment figure was 471 thousand, 9 thousand less than in the period September-November.
Unemployment continues to decrease. Seasonally adjusted unemployment in the first nine months fluctuated around 485 thousand. After this, the decline ending at 471 thousand started.
Compared to the year before, unemployment in the period October-December was down by 26 thousand. The decrease took place entirely among the male labour force. Unemployment among women remained virtually unchanged. The substantial decrease among men was found mainly in the 15-24 and 25-44 age brackets.
In the period October-December 2005 an average of 6.4 percent of the Dutch labour force was unemployed. During October-December 2004 this was 6.0 percent. Unemployment was highest among people aged 15-24, in relative terms.