Highest retail turnover growth for three years

Dutch retailers realised 4.6 more turnover in November 2005 than in November 2004. This is the largest increase since October 2002. The volume of retail turnover was 5.2 percent larger than one year previously. Prices were 0.5 percent lower. Turnover increased in all branches of retail trade, according to figures from Statistics Netherlands.
The composition of shopping days was more favourable in November 2005 than in November 2004, which had a positive effect on retail trade. After correction for this shopping day effect, the turnover increase comes to around 3.5 percent.
Non-food turnover up most
Non-food retailers realised 6.1 percent more turnover in November than twelve months previously. The volume of turnover increased substantially, by 7.4 percent. Prices in non-food shops were 1.3 percent lower than in November 2004.
Clothes shops booked by far the largest turnover. In this branch turnover was more than 12 percent higher than twelve moths previously. Textile supermarkets and shops selling furniture and home decoration items also realised a substantial increase in turnover.
Higher turnover in food sector too
In November 2005 shops selling food, drink and tobacco realised a 2.9 percent higher turnover than in November 2004. Turnover volume was 2.3 percent larger while prices were 0.6 percent higher. It was the first time in two years that prices in the food sector were higher than one year previously.
Supermarkets realised the largest increase in food-sector turnover: 3 percent. Specialist food shops such as butchers, greengrocers and off-licences realised a turnover increase of nearly 2 percent.