Consumer confidence marginally up

After adjustment for seasonal effects, Dutch consumer confidence increased marginally in July 2005 compared to the previous month. In May and June consumer confidence was still in decline. Nevertheless, consumer confidence remains at a low level. Willingness to buy improved somewhat in July compared to June. Consumers’ opinions on the economic climate hardly changed, according to the consumer confidence survey conducted by Statistics Netherlands.  

Willingness to buy slightly less negative

Willingness to buy was slightly less negative in July. It is based on consumers’ opinions about their own financial situation and whether they think it is the right time to make large purchases. Consumers were less negative about buying expensive items and about their own financial situation in the twelve months to come. Their opinions about their own financial situation in the past twelve months did not change.

Opinions on economic climate virtually unchanged

Consumers’ opinions on the economic climate, adjusted for seasonal effects, hardly changed in July. They were still pessimistic about the economic situation. In July pessimists outnumbered optimists by 28 percent. Consumers’ opinions on the economic situation in the coming twelve months improved, but their opinions on the economic climate in the past twelve months hardly changed.

PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.