Business services optimistic about third quarter

Companies in the business services sector expect a further increase in turnover and orders in the third quarter of 2005. Nearly four in ten providers of business services expect more orders and a higher turnover. This rate is, however, slightly below the level of the previous quarter.

The economic survey of business services (excl. R&D) consists of a quarterly survey among three branches: lease companies, computer service bureaus and other business services (including temporary agencies, advertising agencies, cleaners, engineering firms, accountants and administrative services).

Companies in this sector have not been this optimistic about employment for the last four years. One in three companies in the business services sector expect to employ more people in the third quarter of 2005, while only one in fourteen expect to have to reduce their staff. On the other hand, a majority of property leasers expect to have to reduce the size of their workforce.

Opinion on orders received in business services

Opinion on orders received in business services