More debts restructured in 2004

In 2004 nearly 14,000 court orders for debt repayment were pronounced, an increase by more than one third on 2003. One in six sentences affected one-man businesses in 2004.

Court orders for debt repayment

Court orders for debt repayment

Considerable increase in the province of North Holland

In 2004 an average 86 court orders for debt repayment were pronounced per 100 thousand inhabitants. In relative terms most were pronounced in the province of Flevoland: 178 per 100 thousand inhabitants. The lowest rate was found in the province of Friesland where, on average, 43 court orders for debt repayment were pronounced per 100 thousand inhabitants. The sharpest increase compared to the previous year occurred in North Holland, where the rate per 100 thousand inhabitants grew from 58 in 2003 to 94 in 2004.

Court orders for debt repayment by province, 2004

Court orders for debt repayment by province, 2004

The rate per 100 thousand inhabitants is higher in larger cities. In smaller towns, i.e. with fewer than 5 thousand inhabitants, the rate averaged 39. In municipalities with more than 100 thousand inhabitants, the rate is almost three times as high.

More elderly people involved in debt repayment schemes

The number of court orders for debt repayment rose in all age categories in 2004. In relative terms, the growth was stronger among elderly people. In the age category over 55 the increase was no less than 60 percent.

Debt repayment schemes by number of inhabitants of the municipality, 2004

Debt repayment schemes by number of inhabitants of the municipality, 2004

Debt restructuring schemes concluded

More than 7 thousand debt restructuring schemes were concluded in 2004 with a clean slate. Concluded debt restructuring schemes ended in a bankruptcy in 20 percent of the cases. Nearly one in seven debt restructuring schemes which ended in bankruptcy involved one-man businesses.

Debt restructuring schemes by way of termination, 2004

Debt restructuring schemes by way of termination, 2004

Paul Adema