International trade up again

The value of international goods trade was again higher in January 2005 than in the same month one year previously. Exports were 10 percent up reaching 21.1 billion euro, imports rose by 12 percent and amounted to 19.0 billion euro. Growth figures were less high than in the latter half of 2004. According to provisional figures published by Statistics Netherlands, import and export prices were marginally higher in January 2005 than in January 2004.
Trade with non-EU countries growing faster
Just like in 2004, trade with non-EU countries grew relatively faster than trade with EU member states. In January 2005 the value of goods exported to countries outside the European Union was 15 percent up and amounted to 4.5 billion euro. The value of goods imported from these countries reached 8.5 billion euro, that is 17 percent up on January 2004. Exports to EU member states reached 16.7 billion euro in January 2005, an 8 percent increase on January 2004. In other words, over three-quarters of exports went to EU countries. Imports from EU countries also rose by 8 percent compared to one year previously and reached 10.5 billion euro, so more than half of imports came from EU countries.
PDF contains complete press release including tables and graphics.