Consumer confidence up slightly

After correction for seasonal effects, consumer confidence is -26 in January 2005. This is 3 points higher than in December 2004. The improvement in confidence follows four consecutive months of decline. According to Statistics Netherlands’ consumer confidence survey, the increase in January was mainly caused by less negative consumer opinions on the future of the economy and on their own financial situation. 

Consumers slightly more optimistic about economic climate

Consumers’ opinions about the economic climate are slightly better after correction for seasonal effects in January 2005 than one month earlier. The net score on this indicator was 2 points higher at -35. Consumers are less sombre about the economic climate in the coming twelve months, but more negative about the climate in the last twelve months however. 

Consumers less negative about their own financial situation 

Willingness to buy was -20 after adjustment for seasonal effects. This is higher than in December last year. Willingness to buy is based on consumers’ assessment of their own financial situation and on whether they think it is a good time to buy expensive items.

Compared with December consumers are considerably less negative about their own financial situation in the coming twelve months. Their opinions on whether it is a good time to buy expensive items, such as furniture, was slightly better than the preceding month, just as in December. For the third month in a row consumers have not changed their opinions about their own financial situation in the last twelve months.

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