Second generation more successful than first generation
The second generation non-western population performs better on the labour market than the first generation. This is because they are better educated.
Economic activity and education level
Highly educated second generation
The highly educated second generation hold jobs as often as the equally highly educated native Dutch and at the same job level.
Highly educated employed labour force, by sex, background and job level
Second generation still very young
The second generation non-western population with lower of secondary education level are working at job levels that are not befitting their education level. This is because the group, on average, is still very young. Almost half are aged between 15 and 20 and many still attend school.
Population with lower or secondary education levels by sex, background and job level
Education level and work
When the education level is the same, the share of the employed first generation is lower than the share of the employed native population. Among the second generation the share of the employed population is about the same.
The differences in labour participation among the first and second generation can be attributed to social and cultural factors. Newcomers have a number of difficulties to conquer when they enter the job market, such as learning the Dutch language and establishing networks.
More highly educated second generation
The second generation non-western population performs better on the job market than the first generation because they are better educated. About 60 percent of the native population has a higher secondary, college or university education. The same is true for 20 percent of the first generation Turks and Moroccans and for 50 percent of the first generation Surinamese and Antilleans.
About 30 percent of the second generation Turks and Moroccans have attained at least a higher secondary level education. Many second generation children still attend school, so their education level will eventually become even higher. This will increase their chances on the job market.
Highest education level attained by background
José Gouweleeuw and Carel Harmsen