Production manufacturing industry slightly higher

In the period September – October 2004 the production of Dutch manufacturing industry was 0.3 percent up on the period July – August. After a few dips production seems to recover. Turnover was 2 percent higher in October than in October last year, according to provisional figures published by Statistics Netherlands.

Unsteady recovery production

After correction for seasonal effects, production of the Dutch manufacturing industry rose slightly by 0.3 percent in the period September – October 2004 compared to July – August 2004. The manufacture of basic metals and metal products, an important component of manufacturing industry, which grew by nearly 1.4 percent, partly accounted for the production increase. Over 30 percent of total value added in manufacturing industry is realised by the manufacture of basic metals and metal products.

In the period September – October 2004 the most substantial increase was found in the production of investment goods. The production of raw materials and semi-manufactured goods also rose compared to the preceding two months. The production of consumer goods fell.

Corrected for working day patterns, total production rose by 0.3 percent in October 2004, compared to twelve months ago, whereas in August and September production was lower than one year previously.

Higher turnover manufacturing industry

In October 2004 turnover in manufacturing industry was 2 percent up on October 2003. Turnover on the foreign market was 4 percent higher, whereas turnover on the domestic market fell by 1 percent. Selling prices of Dutch manufacturing industry were on average 8 percent up on October last year. But October 2004 had two working days less. The negative effect on turnover is estimated at 6 percent by Statistics Netherlands.

Turnover down in most branches

Partly because October 2004 had two working days less than October 2003, turnover in almost all branches dropped. Only refined petroleum, chemicals and rubber witnessed an increase in turnover. Selling prices in this division were significantly higher than in October last year.

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