More pupils with a non-western immigrant background in secondary education
Within secondary education students with a non-western immigrant background are underrepresented in the higher school types such as havo and vwo. They also fail their final exams more often. But the students who do succeed, often continue into fulltime studies, often at the highest level their diploma allows.
More often to vmbo
2003 was the first year in which vmbo exams were taken. Students with a non-western immigrant background attend the vmbo vocational type of secondary education more often than native Dutch students. They are also overrepresented in the group of students leaving school without graduating.
Final exam candidates in secondary education, 2003
In the school year 2002/’03 some 47 percent of the students with a non-western immigrant background took their final exams in vocational track of vmbo, while 26 percent took their havo or vwo exams. The corresponding percentages for native Dutch students were 30 and 42 percent. Both groups were about equal in taking the general track vmbo exams (comparable with the old mavo).
Students with a non-western immigrant background fail their exams more often
Students with a non-western immigrant background fail their final exams more often than native Dutch students. This is true for all school types, but the largest differences occur in the havo and vwo. In 2003 some 92 percent of the native Dutch students passed their havo exams, versus 79 percent of the students with a non-western immigrant background. The corresponding percentages for vwo were 95 and 83 percent.
Passes in secondary education, 2003
Directly to advanced studies
After passing exams many students with a non-western immigrant background went on to a fulltime advanced studies in 2003. The also opted for the highest type of advanced study their diploma allowed them to follow. This is true for all school types.
Vwo graduates by destination, 2003
More students with a non-western immigrant background to university
There is a remarkably high percentage of boys with a non-western background who go on to university after their vwo (82 percent). Also girls with a non-western immigrant background opted more often for university than native Dutch boys (78 versus 71 percent). Native Dutch girls often go to vocational colleges.
Marijke Hartgers