Considerable increase in foreign trade

In June 2004 the value of goods imported to the Netherlands was 17 percent up on June 2003. The value of goods exported from the Netherlands was 18 percent up on June last year. Provisional figures published by Statistics Netherlands show that these are the highest growth rates since January 2001. The value of imports was 19.0 billion euro, the value of exports 22.2 billion euro. Part of the increase was caused by two extra working days in June 2004 compared with the same month in 2003. Import and export prices rose slightly compared to last year, partly due to the fact that the price of oil went up by 23 percent.

Trade with non-EU countries grows significantly

In June 2004 the value of trade with non-EU countries rose stronger than the trade with EU member states. The value of imports from countries outside the European Union was 22 percent up on twelve months previously and amounted to 7.8 billion euro. With 5.2 billion euro, the value of exports gained 30 percent.

Imports from EU countries rose by 14 percent in June and totalled 11.3 billion euro, exports rose by 15 percent to 17.1 billion euro.

Most countries contribute to the second quarter growth

In the second quarter of 2004 the value of imports and exports was 10 percent up on the second quarter of 2003. In this period trade with most countries expanded. Remarkably, imports from Japan were 7 percent down on last year’s second quarter. Imports from China grew above average by 33 percent.

PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.