Import of clothing slightly down
In 2003 the Netherlands imported clothes worth 5.8 billion euro, 1 percent down on 2002. Import value of clothing from other countries in the European Union (EU) remained stable. Imports from Asia fell by 4 percent, but clothes made in China became more popular.
Most imported clothes come from EU member states
In 2003 the Netherlands imported clothes from other EU member states worth 2.5 billion euro, from Asia worth 2 billion euro and from the rest of the world worth 1.3 billion euro. The import of clothes from the EU remained stable in 2003, import from Asia declined.
Import of clothes by country of origin
Germany accounts for 20 percent
Within the EU Germany is the most important supplier of clothing. Imports from Germany rose by 2percent in 2003. Germany is by far the most important country for the import of clothes: nearly 20 percent of total import of clothes comes from our eastern neighbour.
Fewer clothes from Asia, excluding China
In 2003 import of clothing from Asia was 4 percent down on the previous year, in particular imports from Hong Kong and Indonesia declined. From all Asian countries China is the largest supplier of clothes for the Netherlands followed by India and Bangladesh. Import from China increased by over 8 percent in 2003. Since 1998 the value of clothes imported from China has doubled.
Import of clothing from China
More clothes from Turkey
Turkey is the most important supplier of clothing of all countries not situated in the EU or Asia. Imports from this country rose by over 14 percent in 2003. More than 10 percent of all clothing imported into the Netherlands came from Turkey.
Change import of clothes by type of clothes and group of countries, 2002-2003
Fewer men’s clothes, more women’s clothes
Import of men’s clothes declined, whereas import of women’s clothes grew. In 2003 import of women’s and girls’ clothes amounted to 1.8 billion euro. This is an increase by over 2 percent on the preceding year. More women’s clothes were imported from Asia.
Wiel Packbier