Fewer compensations awarded to former suspects
In 2003 a total amount of 12.3 million euro was awarded to former suspects kept in wrongful custody, a decrease compared to 2002. The number of requests for compensation as well as the number of claims awarded was higher in 2003 than in 2002.
Number of requests for compensation rising again
After a decrease 2001 and 2002 the number of compensation claims submitted by former suspects is on the rise again. The total number of requests increased by 5 percent from 4,254 in 2002 to 4,453 in 2003.
Requests for compensation
The number of compensation claims for wrongful custody increased by over 8 percent in 2003 to 1,845. In the same year 2, 608 requests for compensation of costs were submitted, 2 percent up on 2002.
Former suspects kept in wrongful custody in a police cell, detention centre or prison may be entitled to damages.
Ex-suspects who were acquitted may also be entitled to compensation.
More compensation claims awarded
After a decline in 2002, the total number of damages awarded rose again in 2003. Damages for wrongful custody rose by nearly 7 percent compared to 2002 and amounted to 1,517. Compensation of costs was just about at the same level as in 2002 at 2, 273.
Requests for compensation awarded
Over 12 million euro awarded
Total damages awarded amounted to 12.3 million euro, more than 16 percent down on 2002. Five million was awarded for wrongful custody, 28 percent down on 2002. Awards for compensation of costs amounted to over 7 million euro, 5 percent down on 2002.
Amounts of damages awarded
In 2003 the total number of damages awarded increased almost fourfold, the total sum awarded increased more than sixfold compared to 1990.
Claims and amounts awarded
Renzo Ghianni