Retail turnover down

According to Statistics Netherlands, Dutch retailers booked 7.4 percent less turnover in May 2004 than in the same month last year. Shop prices were 1.5 percent lower in May that twelve months previously. Turnover was negatively affected by the shopping day pattern compared with that in May 2003. After correction for this factor, turnover was around 1 percent lower than last year.

Retail in non-food down again

Turnover in non-food shops was 6.9 percent lower in May than in the same month last year. After correction for shopping day effects the fall was more modest. This development corresponds with the outcome of recent surveys by Statistics Netherlands which show that willingness to buy among consumers is still low.

Shops selling consumer electronics, and furniture store sold 12 percent less than in May last year. Textile supermarkets and clothes shops also sold substantially less. Of all non-food branches distinguished in the survey, only shops selling household items increased turnover.

Turnover down in food sector

Turnover in shops selling food and drink fell by more than 8 percent compared with May last year. This decrease, too, is mainly connected with the shopping day pattern. After correction, turnover in these shops is about just as high as in May last year.

Turnover in supermarkets was more than 7 percent lower in May than twelve months previously, while specialist shops selling food, drink and tobacco booked 12.6 percent less turnover.

PDF contains complete press release, including tables and graphics.