Greengrocers and butchers displaced by supermarkets

More and more butchers, greengrocers and off licences are being forced to shut down in favour of supermarkets. In 2003, 83 cents of every euro spent on food, drinks and tobacco went into supermarket tills against 77 cents in 1995. Greengrocers in particular lost ground in the period 1995 - 2003.

Shops selling food, drinks and tobacco

Shops selling food, drinks and tobacco

Reduced market share specialist shops

The market share of specialist shops decreased by one quarter over the last eight years. The reduction accounted for approximately 1.8 billion euro in 2003. The number of specialist shops fell by one quarter over the same period to fewer than 10 thousand shops.

Sales supermarkets and specialist shops

Sales supermarkets and specialist shops

Turnover fishmongers considerably higher

In the period 1995 – 2003 opposite developments could be observed in the category specialist shops. Turnover in fish shops, for instance, increased last year by one third compared to 1995, whereas last year’s turnover in greengrocer’s shops was 30 percent below the level of 1995. Turnover in butcher’s shops also fell compared with 1995.

Sales food, drinks and tobacco specialist shops

Sales food, drinks and tobacco specialist shops

Lower turnover specialist shops in first quarter 2004

In the first quarter of 2004 turnover in specialist shops was almost 6 percent down on the same period one year previously. Turnover in specialist shops has been falling for six consecutive quarters. Conversely, sales in supermarkets have continually been rising during this period.

Turnover in specialist shops is also affected by an ongoing supermarket price war since October 2003. The current recession also plays a part in this respect.

Paul Mooijman