More second generation non-western immigrants in vocational colleges
Higher education saw a gradual increase in the number of students in the period 1996 to 2003. The proportion of non-western foreigners in higher education also increased.
These are mainly second generation foreigners: three times as many of them as first generation foreigners were in higher education.
Vocational colleges attract second generation
In the school year 2002/’03, 19 percent of all persons with a native Dutch background aged 19-23 were full-time students at a vocational college (hbo). The corresponding percentage among second generation non-western foreigners was 14, a 3 percent rise on 1995/’96.
Students in higher education
Relatively fewer second generation university students
In 2002/’03 almost 11 percent of native Dutch people aged 20-24 were at university. The corresponding percentage for second generation non-western foreigners was 8.
This is 1.5 percent points down on 1995/’96, whereas the number of Dutch university students rose by 1 percent point. The number of university students rose again slightly after 1999/2000.
Second generation non-western students in hbo
More Turks, Moroccans and Surinamese in hbo
Second generation Turks, Moroccans and Surinamese studying at hbo level grew by an average 3.5 percent points in the period 1995 to 2003, a stronger increase than among the native Dutch population. The proportion of Turks and Moroccans studying at university level remained stable at approximately 4.5 percent.
Smaller inflow
The relatively small numbers of non-western foreign children in the higher levels of secondary education (havo and vwo) thwart a better representation of these groups in higher education. Pupils with a potential for higher education are ambitious, a fact which is borne out by the very high direct inflow of havo and vwo graduates into higher education. Almost 90 percent of Turkish and Moroccan havo and vwo graduates move on to higher education.
Second generation non-western university students
High participation rate for Antilleans and Arubans
Second generation Antilleans and Arubans, the children of immigrants who came to the Netherlands in the 1970s, are well represented in university education. The participation rate of Antilleans and Arubans in university education is well above that of native Dutch students. On average, the second generation is highly educated. The same applies to the category ‘‘other non-western immigrants’.
Suzan van der Aart
Source: StatLine, hbo by country of origin (Dutch only)
StatLIne, university by country of origin (Dutch only)