Growth in a shrinking export market

The export value of medicines, photo (projection)equipment, plants, beer and beef increased substantially in 2002 compared to 2001. However, the total value of the Dutch exports of goods fell by 3 percent in the same period reaching 235 billion euro.

Fastest growing export values, 2001-2002

Fastest growing export values, 2001-2002

Medicines growing fastest

The Netherlands exported over 0.8 billion euro more in medicines in 2002, reaching a total value of 5.2 billion euro. Almost three quarters of medicine exports go to ther EU member states, in particular to the UK, Germany and France. The Netherlands is not only producer but also an international distributor.

Recovery of beef export

The export growth of beef is related to the outbreak of foot and mouth disease among cattle in 2001. Exports were reduced substantially at the time

Despite the growth in 2002 the total beef export has not yet returned to its pre-1991 level. In 2002 the export value of beef was still almost 9 percent lower than in the year before the outbreak of foot and mouth disease.

Trading partners with greatest export value increase, 2001-2002

Trading partners with greatest export value increase, 2001-2002

Export value of trade with the USA

In 2002 the export value of trade with the USA increased most on the previous year, namely by 800 million euro. Almost 5 percent of the total Dutch export value went to the USA in 2002. In 2001 this was half a percent lower.

Furthermore the export values to Russia, China and Turkey also saw substantial increases. These trading partners each purchased 300 million euro more in the Netherlands than in 2001.

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