Largest rises in unemployment for in Groningen, Utrecht, and Limburg

Unemployment rose in nearly all twelve Dutch provinces in 2002. The increase was particularly strong in the provinces of Groningen, Utrecht and Limburg. In the city of Utrecht, too, unemployment grew relatively strongly, leaving its mark on the increase for the province as a whole. In Amsterdam unemployment rose less sharply than in the other big cities.

Fastest increase in Groningen

Unemployment rose by 0.7 of a percent point in 2002 to 4.1 percent of labour force. The strongest rise was measured in the province of Groningen, which also had the highest rate of unemployment, at 6.7 percent. In Limburg, too, a high rate of unemployment went hand in hand with a relatively strong increase. The only provinces where unemployment did not rise were Zeeland and Gelderland. Zeeland had the lowest rate of unemployment at 3.1 percent.

Unemployment by province

Relatively large growth in province of Utrecht

The province of Utrecht, too, had a relatively large increase in unemployment. While it was the province with the lowest employment (2.3 percent) in 2000, by 2002 unemployment was just as high as the national average at over 4 percent. The increase was completely accounted for by the increase in the city of Utrecht

Sharp rise for Utrecht

Utrecht had the largest rise of the four big cities. In 2002 an average 7 percent of the labour force in the city of Utrecht were unemployed, nearly double the percentage in 2001. Just as in previous years, unemployment was highest in Rotterdam, with just over 7 percent.

Unemployment in the four big cities

Lowest growth in Amsterdam

Amsterdam had the lowest rate of unemployment of the big cities, at 5 percent. Unemployment in Amsterdam rose much more slowly than in the other cities. In The Hague unemployment was similar to that in Amsterdam, but the increase was larger than in the capital.

Cees Maas