More vacancies in elementary occupations
The number of job vacancies fell to 171 thousand in 2001, thirteen thousand fewer than in 2000. Only for the elementary occupations has the number of vacancies risen in recent years.
Fewer vacancies difficult to fill
The fall has led to a reduction in the number of vacancies for which it is difficult to find candidates: from 53 percent in 1999 to fifty percent in 2001. The construction industry and the agricultural sector had most difficulty finding candidates in 2001: 73 and 68 percent respectively of vacancies in these sectors were hard to fill. Care and education were the only sectors where the proportion of vacancies that were difficult to fill increased: to 53 and 56 percent respectively.
Proportion of vacancies difficult to fill, 2001
More demand for elementary skills
There was a clear shift in vacancies in terms of the level of occupations in the period 1997-2001. The proportion of vacancies for people with elementary skills rose from eight to twelve percent in this period, while the proportion for higher and university educated candidates fell from 29 to 22 percent. Three of the occupations most in demand are at elementary level, only one requires higher education (IT staff). Cleaners and shop assistants are most in demand.
Occupations most in demand, 2001
Increase in vacancies in Rotterdam region
In a regional perspective, the regions around Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Utrecht had the highest numbers of job vacancies in the period 1997-2001. Although the number fell strongly, with eleven percent of all job vacancies the Amsterdam region still had the largest share. The number of job vacancies increased in the Rotterdam region, which came in second place with ten percent.
Strongest growth in Southwest Friesland
Remarkably many northern and eastern regions of the Netherlands with relatively few vacancies experienced a strong growth. Southwest Friesland had the highest growth rate, but the north of the province North Holland and the province of Flevoland showed a similar trend. The growth rate in the province of Groningen was much lower.
Hans Langenberg