City dwellers more often victims of theft and violence

One quarter of the Dutch population was the victim of one or more forms of frequently occurring crime in 2001. Inhabitants of extremely urbanised municipalities had a higher risk of falling victim to these crimes than people living in rural areas: 33 percent and 19 percent respectively..

One in five city dwellers robbed

People living in cities are twice as likely as those living in the countryside to be a victim of a violent offence. Theft also affected them more often. One in five inhabitants of extremely urbanised municipalities had had their bicycle or car stolen, or something stolen from their home or car in 2001. This happened to fewer than one in ten people living in rural areas. Inhabitants of all types of municipalities suffered the consequences of vandalism.

 Victim rates by degree or urbanisation, 2001

More young than older victims

People between the ages of 18 and 24 years run the highest risk of falling victim to violence, theft or vandalism. Last year 42 percent of the population in this age group were victims of such offences. Young people are more often victims of all categories of offences than older people.

Victim rates by age, 2001

One in four 18-24 year-olds victims of theft

Fifteen percent of all 18-24 year-olds were victims of a sexual offence, physical abuse or intimidation in 2001. In addition one quarter of them were victims of theft. These percentages are two and three times as high respectively as the average rates. Only for vandalism was the age of most victims higher, namely between 25 and 34 years.

Victims of theft by age and degree of urbanisation, 2001

City dwellers twice as likely to be robbed

Regardless of age, the risk of falling victim to violence or larceny is highest for people who live in extremely urbanised areas. This is true for larceny in particular. For the age group 12-24 years in extremely urbanised municipalities the risk of something being stolen was twice as high as for people of the same age in rural areas.

Miranda de Vree