Trade partners outside EU increasingly important

In the first ten months of 2000 the value of goods exported from the Netherlands was 21.5% or 32.7 billion euros higher than in the same period in 1999. The value of goods exported to countries outside the EU rose more quickly than that of goods exported within the EU. Greece is the twelfth most important EU export partner.

Fastest growing export partners (Jan-Oct 2000 compared with Jan-Oct 1999)
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In 2000, the relatively fastest growing export countries were Singapore, Iran, Taiwan, Malaysia and Hungary. In absolute terms, too, Taiwan showed a substantial increase, with an increase of 0.7 billion euros. The other fast growers bought a maximum of 0.9 billion euros more worth of goods in the first ten months of 2000 than in the same period in 1999.

In terms of money, exports to Germany increased most: by 7.9 billion euros. The value of exports to Belgium and Luxembourg, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and Italy also rose strongly.

Growth in export values to the main trade partners (Jan-Oct 2000 compared with Jan-Oct 1999)
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Cor Pierik