Revision of statistics on health and social care expenditure, 2021-2023

Annex 1: New classification of providers

The table below shows the 22 groups of providers published on StatLine, with the underlying 73 actors (categories of healthcare providers) in the Health and Social Care Accounts system. The allocation of actors according to the international HP classification is shown in the right-hand column. 

New classification of providers: mapping of actors and the international HP-category
Providers (StatLine, national)Actors (Health and Social Accounts-system)HP-category
General hospitalsGeneral hospitalsHP.1.1.0
University Medical Centres (UMC)University Medical Centres (UMC)HP.1.1.0
Other medical specialist careAbortion clinicsHP.3.4.1
Other medical specialist careAudiological centersHP.3.3.0
Other medical specialist careSpecialist hospitalsHP.1.3.0
Other medical specialist careDialysis centersHP.3.4.4
Other medical specialist careOncology and radiotherapy institutesHP.3.4.9
Other medical specialist careIndependent treatment centers (ZBCs) and otherHP.3.4.3
Providers of mental health careOutpatient mental health care and psychiatristsHP.3.4.2
Providers of mental health careMental health hospitals (and residential mental health care)HP.1.2.0
Providers of mental health careMicro-institutions/Self-employed mental health careHP.3.4.2
Providers of mental health carePractices of psychologistsHP.3.3.0
General practicesGeneral practicesHP.3.1.1
General practicesPrimary care partnershipsHP.3.1.1
Dental practicesOral surgeonsHP.3.2.0
Dental practicesOrthodontistsHP.3.2.0
Dental practicesDental practicesHP.3.2.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesDietitian practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesOccupational therapist practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesPhysiotherapist practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesSpeech therapist practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesDental hygienist practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesExercise therapistsHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesOther paramedicsHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesPodiatrist practicesHP.3.3.0
Paramedical and midwifery practicesMidwifery practicesHP.3.3.0
Providers of nursing, care and maternity careProviders of nursing and care (residential and home)HP.2.1.0
Providers of nursing, care and maternity careMicro-institutions/Self-employed nursing and careHP.3.5.0
Providers of care for the disabledSign language interpretersHP.3.3.0
Providers of care for the disabledProviders of care for the disabled (residential and home)HP.2.2.0
Providers of care for the disabledMicro-institutions/Self-employed GHZ care for the disabledHP.3.5.0
Providers of care for the disabledSupport for the disabledHP.8.2.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareProviders of occupational health & safety support HP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcarePopulation screening programmes for cancerHP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareMunicipal health servicesHP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareIntegrated cancer centersHP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareNetherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety AuthorityHP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareOther preventive careHP.6.0.0
Providers of prevention and public healthcareNational Institute for Public Health and the EnvironmentHP.6.0.0
Providers of ancillary servicesAmbulance servicesHP.4.1.0
Providers of ancillary servicesLaboratories, blood banks and other institutionsHP.4.2.0
Providers of ancillary servicesOther support and miscellaneous servicesHP.4.9.0
Providers of other healthcare servicesUmbrella organisations in the field of health careHP.3.4.9
Providers of other healthcare servicesAlternative healer practicesHP.3.3.0
Providers of children's day care Providers of children's day care HP.8.2.0
Providers of youth careProviders of outpatient youth careHP.8.2.0
Providers of youth careProviders of residential youth careHP.8.2.0
Providers of youth careMicro-institutions/Self-employed outpatient youth careHP.8.2.0
Providers of youth careMicro-institutions/Self-employed residential youth careHP.8.2.0
Providers of shelter careProviders of shelter careHP.8.2.0
Providers of shelter careMicro-institutions/Self-employed shelter careHP.8.2.0
Providers of social work and other welfareWelfare institutions for the elderlyHP.8.2.0
Providers of social work and other welfareLocal welfare workHP.8.2.0
Providers of social work and other welfareUmbrella organisations in the field of social careHP.7.9.0
Providers of medical goodsProviders of medical goodsHP.5.2.0
Providers of medical goodsOpticiansHP.5.2.0
Providers of medical goodsDental techniciansHP.5.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careOccupational health & safety support outside section QHP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careOccupational health & safety support (at companies)HP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careSupermarkets and drugstoresHP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careMental health care via the Ministry of J&SHP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careMedical services defense personnelHP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careOther secondary providers of health and social careHP.8.2.0
Secondary providers of health and social careTaxi companiesHP.8.2.0
Foreign health and social care providersForeign health and social care providersHP.9.0.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations Wlz/AWBZHP.7.2.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations CIZHP.7.2.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations collegesHP.7.2.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations governmentHP.7.1.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations voluntary schemesHP.7.3.0
Policy and management organisationsPolicy and management organisations ZvwHP.7.2.0