Macroeconomic scoreboard

Macroeconomic scoreboard

Periods Deflated house prices (%)
2024 1st quarter* -5.8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the indicators of the macroeconomic scoreboard. Furthermore, some additional indicators are shown. To identify in a timely manner existing and potential imbalances and possible macroeconomic risks within the countries of the European Union in an early stage, the European Commission has drawn up a scoreboard with fourteen indicators. This scoreboard is part of the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure (MIP). This table contains quarterly and annual figures for both these fourteen indicators and nine additional indicators for the Netherlands.

The fourteen indicators in the macroeconomic scoreboard are:
- Current account balance as % of GDP, 3 year moving average
- Net international investment position, % of GDP
- Real effective exchange rate, % change on three years previously
- Share of world exports, % change on five years previously
- Nominal unit labour costs, % change on three years previously
- Deflated house prices, % change on one year previously
- Private sector credit flow as % of GDP
- Private sector debt as % of GDP
- Government debt as % of GDP
- Unemployment rate, three year moving average
- Total financial sector liabilities, % change on one year previously
- Activity rate, % of total population aged 15-64, change in percentage points on three years previously
- Long-term unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-74, change in percentage points on three years previously
- Youth unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-24, change in percentage points on three years previously

The additional indicators are:
- Real effective exchange rate, index
- Share of world exports, %
- Nominal unit labour costs, index
- Households credit flow as % of GDP
- Non-financial corporations credit flow as % of GDP
- Household debt as % of GDP
- Non-financial corporations debt as % of GDP
- Activity rate, % of total population aged 15-64
- Youth unemployment rate, % of active population aged 15-24

Data available from: first quarter of 2006.

Status of the figures:
Annual and quarterly data are provisional.

Adjustment as of July 17th 2024:
Data of the private sector’s credit flow and debt were not correct. They have been adjusted in this version.

When will new figures be published?
New data are published within 120 days after the end of each quarter. The first quarter may be revised in October, the second quarter in January. Quarterly data for the previous three quarters are adjusted along when the fourth quarter figures are published in April. This corresponds with the first estimate of the annual data for the previous year. The annual and quarterly data for the last three years are revised together with the publication of the first quarter in July.

Description topics

Deflated house prices
Deflated house prices, % change on one year previously.

Deflated house prices are the ratio between the house price index on the one hand and the deflator for household consumption on the other.

The house price index shows the average price development of all own (i.e. non-rental) homes, both existing and newly constructed, which are intended for permanent residence by a private household.

The deflator for household consumption reflects average price developments in consumption expenditure by households (including non-profit institutions serving households). This deflator is similar, but not identical, to the consumer price index (CPI).

The house price index is calculated by Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Statistics Netherlands does not yet publish the house price index used here, but does publish a price index of existing residential property on a quarterly basis. See the website of Eurostat for more information about the house price index.

The deflator for household consumption is derived from Statistics Netherlands’ national accounts.

Calculation of the scoreboard indicator:
The house price index is divided by the deflator for household consumption. Subsequently the percentage change with respect to one year previously is calculated.

Interpretation of the indicator:
The indicator compares the development of house prices with the development of the average consumer prices for households. Positive growth means that house prices are rising faster than consumer prices. In time, this may indicate a price bubble in the housing market.

Upper and lower limits:
For this indicator, the European Commission has set only an upper limit: +6 percent.