Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts

Non-financial balance sheets; national accounts

Type of non-financial asset Institutional sector Periods Changes in non-financial balance sheet Capital formation (mln euros)
Non-financial assets Total all sectors 2023* 45,786
Non-financial assets The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 11,369
Non-financial assets Financial corporations 2023* -82
Non-financial assets General government 2023* 2,912
Non-financial assets Households including NPISHs 2023* 31,585
Non-financial assets Households 2023* 31,558
Non-financial assets Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 29
AN11 Total fixed assets Total all sectors 2023* 47,498
AN11 Total fixed assets The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 16,272
AN11 Total fixed assets Financial corporations 2023* 202
AN11 Total fixed assets General government 2023* 2,742
AN11 Total fixed assets Households including NPISHs 2023* 28,280
AN11 Total fixed assets Households 2023* 28,253
AN11 Total fixed assets Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 29
AN111 Dwellings Total all sectors 2023* 23,535
AN111 Dwellings The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 1,213
AN111 Dwellings Financial corporations 2023* -312
AN111 Dwellings General government 2023* 50
AN111 Dwellings Households including NPISHs 2023* 22,584
AN111 Dwellings Households 2023* 22,584
AN111 Dwellings Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 0
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Total all sectors 2023* 7,904
AN1121 Non-residential buildings The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 4,056
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Financial corporations 2023* 187
AN1121 Non-residential buildings General government 2023* -319
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Households including NPISHs 2023* 3,978
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Households 2023* 3,953
AN1121 Non-residential buildings Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 25
AN1122 Civil engineering works Total all sectors 2023* 4,877
AN1122 Civil engineering works The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 2,674
AN1122 Civil engineering works Financial corporations 2023* -2
AN1122 Civil engineering works General government 2023* 1,996
AN1122 Civil engineering works Households including NPISHs 2023* 209
AN1122 Civil engineering works Households 2023* 212
AN1122 Civil engineering works Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* -4
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Total all sectors 2023* 374
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 521
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Financial corporations 2023* -264
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land General government 2023* -73
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Households including NPISHs 2023* 190
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Households 2023* 190
AN1123 Cost ownership transfer on land Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 0
AN1131 Total transport equipment Total all sectors 2023* 2,183
AN1131 Total transport equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 2,132
AN1131 Total transport equipment Financial corporations 2023* -5
AN1131 Total transport equipment General government 2023* 7
AN1131 Total transport equipment Households including NPISHs 2023* 48
AN1131 Total transport equipment Households 2023* 42
AN1131 Total transport equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 7
AN1131A Passenger cars Total all sectors 2023* 405
AN1131A Passenger cars The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 481
AN1131A Passenger cars Financial corporations 2023* -7
AN1131A Passenger cars General government 2023* -11
AN1131A Passenger cars Households including NPISHs 2023* -59
AN1131A Passenger cars Households 2023* -64
AN1131A Passenger cars Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 6
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Total all sectors 2023* 1,052
AN1131B Other road transport equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 868
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Financial corporations 2023* 2
AN1131B Other road transport equipment General government 2023* 60
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Households including NPISHs 2023* 123
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Households 2023* 122
AN1131B Other road transport equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 1
AN1131C Trains and trams Total all sectors 2023* -166
AN1131C Trains and trams The non-financial corporations sector 2023* -141
AN1131C Trains and trams Financial corporations 2023* 0
AN1131C Trains and trams General government 2023* -25
AN1131C Trains and trams Households including NPISHs 2023* 0
AN1131C Trains and trams Households 2023* 0
AN1131C Trains and trams Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 0
AN1131D Ships Total all sectors 2023* 477
AN1131D Ships The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 524
AN1131D Ships Financial corporations 2023* 0
AN1131D Ships General government 2023* -31
AN1131D Ships Households including NPISHs 2023* -15
AN1131D Ships Households 2023* -16
AN1131D Ships Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 1
AN1131E Aircraft Total all sectors 2023* 415
AN1131E Aircraft The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 401
AN1131E Aircraft Financial corporations 2023* 0
AN1131E Aircraft General government 2023* 14
AN1131E Aircraft Households including NPISHs 2023* 0
AN1131E Aircraft Households 2023* 0
AN1131E Aircraft Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 0
AN1132A Computers Total all sectors 2023* 136
AN1132A Computers The non-financial corporations sector 2023* -99
AN1132A Computers Financial corporations 2023* 126
AN1132A Computers General government 2023* 112
AN1132A Computers Households including NPISHs 2023* -2
AN1132A Computers Households 2023* 0
AN1132A Computers Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* -2
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Total all sectors 2023* 153
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 156
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Financial corporations 2023* 4
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment General government 2023* -11
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Households including NPISHs 2023* 4
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Households 2023* 3
AN1132B Telecommunication equipment Non-profit institutions serv. households 2023* 1
AN1139 Machinery and equipment Total all sectors 2023* 3,057
AN1139 Machinery and equipment The non-financial corporations sector 2023* 2,301
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on non-financial balance sheets. The balance sheets show the market value of non-financial assets. Changes in the value of non-financial assets are also presented in this table. These changes are, for example, the result of price changes or the result of purchases minus sales of non-financial assets.

Non-financial balance sheets are part of the National Accounts. The balance sheets are presented by different types of assets for the economy as a whole and for the different institutional sectors in the Dutch economy.

Data available from: 1995

Status of the figures:
The figures for the most recent reporting year 2023 are provisional. The status of the figures for 2022 and earlier are final.

Changes as of September 3rd 2024:
This is a new table. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. This table contains revised data. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional data are published 9 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 21 months after the end of the reporting year.

Description topics

Changes in non-financial balance sheet
This item shows the changes in the market value of non-financial assets in one year. The closing balance sheet of a year equals the opening balance sheet of that year including the sum of all changes.
Capital formation
Capital formation concerns the change in the non-financial balance sheet due to sales and purchases of non-financial assets and by normal wear and tear and insurable damage (like fire and theft). For fixed assets, the reduction in value due to ageing is called depreciation. For fixed assets, capital stock formation consists of the sum of investments, depreciation and trade. Trade includes the sales and purchases of second-hand fixed assets between Dutch firms or consumers and the sales of second-hand fixed assets by Dutch firms to foreign countries. For inventories, capital formation consists of changes in inventories. For mineral reserves, capital formation consists of the sum of sales minus purchases of these asset types. For consumer durables, capital formation consists of the sum of the consumption of new consumer durables, the depreciation due to ageing and trade.