Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employment; economic activity, quarterly, National Accounts

Employment type Sector/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Employed persons Employed persons (x 1,000) Employed persons Employed persons seasonal adjusted (x 1,000) Jobs Jobs (x 1,000) Jobs Jobs seasonal adjusted (x 1,000) Hours worked Hours worked (million hours) Hours worked Hours worked seasonal adjusted (million hours) Change on corresponding period (y/y) Employed persons (x 1 000) Change on corresponding period (y/y) Jobs (x 1 000) Change on previous period (q/q) Employed persons seasonal adjusted (x 1 000) Change on previous period (q/q) Jobs seasonal adjusted (x 1 000)
Total M-N Business services 2024 2nd quarter* 2,069 2,065 2,388 2,381 722 734 -11 -9 -5 -5
Employees M-N Business services 2024 2nd quarter* 1,522 1,516 1,633 1,626 541 556 -32 -36 -12 -13
Self-employed M-N Business services 2024 2nd quarter* 547 549 755 755 181 179 21 26 7 8
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table provides data about the employment of employees and self-employed persons. It contains annual and quarterly data on employed persons, jobs, and hours worked. The seasonal adjusted time series are also available in this table.

Data available from: 1995 first quarter.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2021 are final. Data of 2022 and further are provisional.

Changes as of September 23rd 2024:
Figures for the second estimate of the second quarter of 2024 are added.

When will new figures be published?
The preliminary estimate (flash estimate) of a quarter is released within 45 days. The second estimate is published after 85 days. At the second estimate of the fourth quarter, data of the previous three quarters will also be revised.

Description topics

Employed persons
Someone working for a company located in the Netherlands, or an institution or private household in the Netherlands.
Employed persons
Someone working for a company located in the Netherlands, or an institution or private household in the Netherlands.
Employed persons seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.

A distinction is made between jobs of employees and jobs of self-employed persons.
A job is an explicit or implicit employment contract between a person and an economic unit which specifies that labour will be carried out in return for (financial) remuneration.

A distinction is made between jobs of employees and jobs of self-employed persons.
Jobs seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Hours worked
The number of hours actually worked by someone with a paid job.
Hours worked seasonal adjusted
The removal of annually recurring patterns from the figures which are normal for a particular time of year.
Change on corresponding period (y/y)
Change on corresponding period (year-on-year).
Employed persons
Change on previous period (q/q)
Change on previous period (quarter-on-quarter).
Employed persons seasonal adjusted
Jobs seasonal adjusted