National solid biomass balance; production and consumption

National solid biomass balance; production and consumption

Energy commodities Periods Total final consumption (TJ) Total final consumption(tons dry matter) (tons dm)
Wood based biomass total 2022** 88,593 4,710,253
Primary biomass from forest total 2022** 26,429 1,396,265
Branches, tree tops and stumps. 2022** 16,122 724,048
Shreds 2022** 827 59,064
Fuelwood 2022** 10,307 672,217
Forest-based industry co-products 2022** 4,704 232,208
Bark 2022** 1,917 125,026
Chips, sawdust and other wood particles 2022** 2,787 107,182
Post-consumer wood total 2022** 8,408 565,945
Clean post consumer wood 2022** 8,408 565,945
Contaminated post consumer wood 2022** 0 0
Other woody biomass total 2022** 49,052 2,515,836
Charcoal 2022** 270 9,000
Wood pellets 2022** 48,782 2,506,836
Organic waste biomass total 2022** 15,540 612,750
(Paper)sludge 2022** 484 75,018
Other solid biomass 2022** 15,056 537,732
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table shows the indigenious production, total final consumption and import and export of different kinds of solid biomass commodities. The classification of solid biomass is based on the breakdown of biomass requested by Eurostat, which results from the European Regulation 2018/1999 and coordination with national users.

Data available:
From 2015 onwards.

Status of the figures:
Figures 2015-2021 are definite. The 2022 figures are revised provisional.

Changes as of June 2024
None, this table is new.

When will new figures be published?
In May 2024 definite figures 2022 and revised provisional figures 2023 will be published.

Description topics

Total final consumption
The amount of energy used by companies, households and transport in the Netherlands. Energy can be used
- for transformation into other energy commodities, this is input minus the energy produced.
- as final consumption.

Total energy consumption =
Total net energy transformation + total own use + distribution losses + total final consumption.
Total final consumption(tons dry matter)
The amount of energy used by companies, households and transport in the Netherlands. Energy can be used
- for transformation into other energy commodities, this is input minus the energy produced.
- as final consumption.

Total energy consumption =
Total net energy transformation + total own use + distribution losses + total final consumption.
Showed in amounts tons of dry matter.