Labour income share, economic activity

Labour income share, economic activity

Economic activities/branches (SIC 2008) Periods Labour income share (%) Compensation of employees (mln euro) Imputed labour income (mln euro) Net operating surplus (mln euro) Remuneration of labour (mln euro) Remuneration of labour and capital (mln euro)
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1995 81.4 108,165 21,060 50,527 129,225 158,692
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1996 81.2 113,006 21,970 53,272 134,976 166,278
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1997 79.3 119,731 24,223 61,803 143,954 181,534
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1998 77.9 128,791 25,300 68,970 154,091 197,761
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 1999 78.9 139,376 26,829 71,226 166,205 210,602
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2000 79.7 151,599 28,695 74,562 180,294 226,161
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2001 78.1 158,498 31,074 84,305 189,572 242,803
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2002 78.1 162,811 30,932 85,322 193,743 248,133
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2003 79.0 164,490 30,681 82,529 195,171 247,019
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2004 77.3 165,761 30,146 87,548 195,907 253,309
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2005 75.2 167,702 31,069 96,772 198,771 264,474
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2006 73.7 173,405 33,622 107,524 207,027 280,929
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2007 72.5 184,220 35,402 118,656 219,622 302,876
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2008 74.2 195,586 35,639 116,237 231,225 311,823
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2009 77.7 195,885 33,981 100,007 229,866 295,892
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2010 76.9 192,415 34,661 102,825 227,076 295,240
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2011 77.1 198,244 35,743 105,353 233,987 303,597
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2012 78.2 200,941 35,981 102,060 236,922 303,001
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2013 78.0 200,077 36,776 103,452 236,853 303,529
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2014 77.7 203,177 38,818 108,387 241,995 311,564
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2015 74.8 206,215 42,591 126,454 248,806 332,669
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2016 74.5 215,304 46,005 135,265 261,309 350,569
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2017 73.7 224,793 48,903 146,757 273,696 371,550
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2018 74.3 238,600 52,197 152,823 290,797 391,423
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2019 73.5 251,588 54,559 165,063 306,147 416,651
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2020 74.4 255,846 52,823 158,849 308,669 414,695
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2021 70.5 267,247 58,207 194,170 325,454 461,417
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2022* 69.4 288,065 61,664 215,721 349,729 503,786
A-U (excl. B, K, L, O, P and Q) 2023* 69.0 310,027 66,965 236,310 376,992 546,337
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Dataset is not available.

This table presents data on the labour income share and the components used to calculate it. The labour income share is a measure of the distribution of earned income between providers of labour (employees and the self-employed) and providers of capital.

Data available from: 1995.

Status of the figures:
Data from 1995 up to and including 2021 are final. Data of 2022 and 2023 are provisional.

Changes as of June 24th 2024:
This is a new table. Statistics Netherlands has carried out a revision of the national accounts. The Dutch national accounts are recently revised. New statistical sources, methods and concepts are implemented in the national accounts, in order to align the picture of the Dutch economy with all underlying source data and international guidelines for the compilation of the national accounts. This table contains revised data. For further information see section 3.

When will new figures be published?
Provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year.

Description topics

Labour income share
The share of compensation of labor (employees and self-employed) in the total earned income of a country.
Compensation of employees
The total compensation, in cash or in kind, due by an employer to an employee for the work performed during a reporting period. The compensation of employees is equal to the total of wages and social contributions at the expense of employers.
Imputed labour income
Imputed labour income by self-employed and family workers.
Net operating surplus
The surplus that remains after compensation of employees and taxes less subsidies on production and imports have been subtracted from the sum of value added at basic prices. For the self-employed (who are part of the sector households) the surplus is called mixed income, it is partly a reward for their entrepreneurship compensation for their labour.
Remuneration of labour
Remuneration of labour and capital