Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts

Financial instruments: From-whom-to-whom matrices; National Accounts

Sectors (assets) Counterpart sectors (liabilities) Balance sheets and transactions Periods Savings, transferable and other deposits (million euros) Short-term securities (million euros) Long-term securities (million euros) Short-term loans (million euros) Long-term loans (million euros) Home mortgages (million euros) Listed shares (million euros) Investment fund shares or units (million euros)
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,389,852 12,184 383,818 541,977 2,260,292 853,935 191,246 748,461
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 1,132 1,819 1,935 -16,973 18,505 9,120 -195 -10,929
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 340 68 -4,225 14 377 2 -11,889 6,669
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 340 109 -4,199 14 274 4 -6,624 6,669
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 -41 -26 0 103 -2 -5,265 0
Total domestic sectors Total domestic sectors Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,391,324 14,071 381,528 525,018 2,279,174 863,057 179,162 744,201
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 398 8,934 367,507 874,124 0 93,653 0
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 -82 682 -9,770 5,919 0 182 0
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 2 -88 0 0 0 1,228 0
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -88 0 0 0 1,319 0
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 2 0 0 0 0 -91 0
Total domestic sectors The non-financial corporations sector Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 318 9,528 357,737 880,043 0 95,063 0
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,307,284 2,067 177,090 103,956 349,245 0 97,593 748,461
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -26,039 -23 -975 3,627 2,570 0 -377 -10,929
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 340 8 -535 14 379 0 -13,117 6,669
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 340 8 -509 14 269 0 -7,943 6,669
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -26 0 110 0 -5,174 0
Total domestic sectors Financial corporations Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,281,585 2,052 175,580 107,597 352,194 0 84,099 744,201
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,307,284 1,738 62,409 0 128,655 0 8,493 989
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -26,039 -32 -1,398 0 -551 0 -127 191
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 340 7 -472 0 252 0 -166 13
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 340 7 -472 0 252 0 -160 13
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0
Total domestic sectors Monetary financial institutions Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,281,585 1,713 60,539 0 128,356 0 8,200 1,193
Total domestic sectors Central bank Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 269,338 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Central bank Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -38,133 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Central bank Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Central bank Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Central bank Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Central bank Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 231,205 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,037,946 1,738 62,409 0 128,655 0 8,493 989
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 12,094 -32 -1,398 0 -551 0 -127 191
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 340 7 -472 0 252 0 -166 13
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 340 7 -472 0 252 0 -160 13
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 -6 0
Total domestic sectors Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,050,380 1,713 60,539 0 128,356 0 8,200 1,193
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 329 114,657 94,497 207,519 0 89,100 747,472
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 9 423 2,858 3,321 0 -250 -11,120
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -63 7 127 0 -12,951 6,656
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -37 7 17 0 -7,783 6,656
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -26 0 110 0 -5,168 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial institutions Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 339 115,017 97,362 210,967 0 75,899 743,008
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 41 4,028 8,068 0 0 747,472
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 2 253 446 0 0 -11,120
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,646
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,646
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Non-MMF investment funds Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 43 4,281 8,514 0 0 742,998
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 329 114,616 90,469 199,451 0 89,100 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 9 421 2,605 2,875 0 -250 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -63 7 127 0 -12,951 10
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -37 7 17 0 -7,783 10
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -26 0 110 0 -5,168 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. inst. excl. investment funds Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 339 114,974 93,081 202,453 0 75,899 10
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 32 98,102 48,536 94,222 0 8,931 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -89 -1,441 1,326 0 -162 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -7 7 127 0 143 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -9 7 17 0 123 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 2 0 110 0 20 0
Total domestic sectors Other fin. intermediaries, auxiliairies Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 32 98,006 47,102 95,675 0 8,912 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 10 95,368 44,083 91,284 0 29 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -25 -1,314 1,324 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -2 7 125 0 -1 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -4 7 15 0 -1 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 2 0 110 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Other financial intermediaries Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 10 95,341 42,776 92,733 0 28 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 22 2,734 4,453 2,938 0 8,902 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -64 -127 2 0 -162 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -5 0 2 0 144 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -5 0 2 0 124 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 20 0
Total domestic sectors Financial auxiliaries Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 22 2,665 4,326 2,942 0 8,884 0
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 297 16,514 41,933 105,229 0 80,169 0
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 9 510 4,046 1,549 0 -88 0
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -56 0 0 0 -13,094 10
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 1 -28 0 0 0 -7,906 10
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 -28 0 0 0 -5,188 0
Total domestic sectors Captive institutions and money lenders Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 307 16,968 45,979 106,778 0 66,987 10
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 24 9,459 13,071 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 769 -200 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations and pension funds Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 24 10,235 12,871 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 24 7,563 12,706 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 417 -189 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Insurance corporations Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 24 7,980 12,517 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 1,896 365 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 352 -11 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 7 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Pension funds Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 2,255 354 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors General government Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 82,568 9,719 197,784 21,546 70,670 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors General government Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 27,171 1,924 2,228 -11,318 310 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors General government Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 58 -3,602 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors General government Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 0 101 -3,602 0 0 0 0 0
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents the from-whom-to-whom matrices of several important financial instruments. The matrices provide information on the debtor/creditor relationships between sectors. The matrices provide a three dimensional overview on financial transactions, price changes and revaluations, other volume changes and balance sheets and the sectors and financial instruments involved. The sector on the assets side is the creditor, the sector on the liabilities side the debtor. The sectors non-financial corporations, financial corporations, general government, households including non-profit institutions serving households (NPISH) and the rest of the world are shown in this table. The sectors financial corporations and general government are broken down into subsectors.

Data available from:
Annual figures from 1999.
Quarterly figures from first quarter 1999.

Status of the figures:
The annual figures from 1999 up to and including 2022 are final. Quarterly data from 2022 and further are provisional.

Changes as of September 23rd 2024:
Data on the second quarter of 2024 are available. The figures for the first quarter of 2024 have been revised.

When will new figures be published?
Annual figures:
The first annual data are published 85 day after the end of the reporting year as the sum of the four quarters of the year. Subsequently provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year. Furthermore the financial accounts and stocks are annually revised for all reporting periods. These data are published each year in June.
Quarterly figures: The first quarterly estimate is available 85 days after the end of each reporting quarter. The first quarter may be revised in September, the second quarter in December. Should further quarterly information become available thereafter, the estimates for the first three quarters may be revised in March. If (new) annual figures become available in June, the quarterly figures will be revised again to bring them in line with the annual figures.

Description topics

Savings, transferable and other deposits
Transferable deposits are deposits exchangeable for currency on demand, at par, and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facilities, without penalty or restriction.
Savings deposits and other deposits are all the savings of individuals and deposits (in euros and foreign currency) at any resident and non-resident bank, which are not immediately transferable without restrictions.
Short-term securities
All securities with a maximum term of one year, which in principle are transferable against a price that has been fixed in advance. Usually, the obliged interest payments of the debtor have been discounted in the value. 'Transferable' means that assets can be converted into cash from, or on a date that has been appointed at the moment the bond was issued.
This transaction covers treasury paper issued by both the Dutch government and foreign governments, saving certificates to bearer and transferable certificates of deposits, issued by banks.
Long-term securities
All transferable securities, which generally do not mature within one year. They are usually quoted at the stock exchange. The interest on long-term bonds is made payable through coupons. Mortgage bonds, notes issued by banks and convertible bonds as long as they have not been converted into shares, also belong to this type of assets.
Short-term loans
Short-term loans are all credits, which do not have the characteristics of deposits and which mature by contract within one year. Included are short-term loans from financial institutions, balances on current accounts (except transferable deposits), short-term consumer credit, bills (of exchange) and promissory notes.
Long-term loans
Long-term loans are all credits, which do not have the characteristics of deposits and which do not mature within one year. They mainly concern long-term loans on obligations, mortgage loans and long-term consumer credit.
Home mortgages
Home mortgages are long-term loans with as collateral the property itself which is occupied by the private person.
Listed shares
Listed shares are equity securities listed on an exchange. Such an exchange may be a recognised stock exchange or any other form of secondary market. Listed shares are also referred to as quoted shares. The existence of quoted prices of shares listed on an exchange means that current market prices are usually readily available.
Investment fund shares or units
Investment fund shares are shares of an investment fund if the fund has a corporate structure. They are known as units if the fund is a trust. Investment funds are collective investment undertakings through which investors pool funds for investment in financial and/or non-financial assets.