Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Financial balance sheets and transactions by sectors; National Accounts

Institutional sectors Not Consolidated or Consolidated Balance sheets and transactions Periods Assets Total (million euros) Assets Monetary gold and special drawing rights Total (million euros) Assets Monetary gold and special drawing rights Monetary gold (million euros) Assets Monetary gold and special drawing rights Special drawing rights (SDRs) (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Total (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Currency (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Transferable deposits (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Total (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Savings deposits (million euros) Assets Currency and deposits Savings deposits and other deposits Other deposits (million euros)
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 19,558,610 57,569 40,449 17,120 2,252,817 25,754 841,846 1,385,217 477,739 907,478
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 31,559 -32 0 -32 -14,923 1,179 19,540 -35,642 15,036 -50,678
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -147,085 2,668 2,627 41 1,537 0 544 993 7 986
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -157,367 2,668 2,627 41 1,537 0 544 993 7 986
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 10,282 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 19,443,084 60,205 43,076 17,129 2,239,431 26,933 861,930 1,350,568 492,782 857,786
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 10,069,005 57,569 40,449 17,120 837,219 8 130,638 706,573 16,143 690,430
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 22,680 -32 0 -32 -17,237 -3 28,084 -45,318 1,241 -46,559
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -99,433 2,668 2,627 41 1,197 0 273 924 0 924
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -106,350 2,668 2,627 41 1,197 0 273 924 0 924
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 6,917 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total domestic sectors Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 9,992,252 60,205 43,076 17,129 821,179 5 158,995 662,179 17,384 644,795
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 3,938,089 367,835 6,509 213,852 147,474 147,474
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -6,221 2,388 314 7,773 -5,699 -5,699
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 4,582 326 0 200 126 126
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 4,309 326 0 200 126 126
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 273 0 0 0 0 0
The non-financial corporations sector Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 3,936,450 370,549 6,823 221,825 141,901 141,901
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,584,039 367,835 6,509 213,852 147,474 147,474
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -3,342 2,388 314 7,773 -5,699 -5,699
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 5,965 326 0 200 126 126
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 5,967 326 0 200 126 126
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -2 0 0 0 0 0
The non-financial corporations sector Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,586,662 370,549 6,823 221,825 141,901 141,901
Financial corporations Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 12,001,471 57,569 40,449 17,120 1,178,652 2,143 427,702 748,807 748,807
Financial corporations Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -23,057 -32 0 -32 -69,907 38 -19,051 -50,894 -50,894
Financial corporations Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -114,719 2,668 2,627 41 1,192 0 332 860 860
Financial corporations Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -124,682 2,668 2,627 41 1,192 0 332 860 860
Financial corporations Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 9,963 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Financial corporations Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 11,863,695 60,205 43,076 17,129 1,109,937 2,181 408,983 698,773 698,773
Financial corporations Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 10,028,607 57,569 40,449 17,120 760,514 8 105,565 654,941 654,941
Financial corporations Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 26,399 -32 0 -32 -26,538 -3 19,241 -45,776 -45,776
Financial corporations Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -109,751 2,668 2,627 41 1,154 0 308 846 846
Financial corporations Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -116,225 2,668 2,627 41 1,154 0 308 846 846
Financial corporations Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 6,474 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Financial corporations Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 9,945,255 60,205 43,076 17,129 735,130 5 125,114 610,011 610,011
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 3,248,115 57,569 40,449 17,120 861,233 1,221 334,326 525,686 525,686
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -11,215 -32 0 -32 -67,416 -4 -29,144 -38,268 -38,268
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -62,040 2,668 2,627 41 1,033 0 232 801 801
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -61,845 2,668 2,627 41 1,033 0 232 801 801
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monetary financial institutions Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 3,174,860 60,205 43,076 17,129 794,850 1,217 305,414 488,219 488,219
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,914,601 57,569 40,449 17,120 581,504 8 69,040 512,456 512,456
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 32,657 -32 0 -32 -24,681 -3 8,761 -33,439 -33,439
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -61,453 2,668 2,627 41 1,030 0 231 799 799
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -61,258 2,668 2,627 41 1,030 0 231 799 799
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -195 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Monetary financial institutions Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,885,805 60,205 43,076 17,129 557,853 5 78,032 479,816 479,816
Central bank Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 401,058 57,569 40,449 17,120 166,560 0 0 166,560 166,560
Central bank Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -39,525 -32 0 -32 -40,705 0 0 -40,705 -40,705
Central bank Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 1,507 2,668 2,627 41 200 0 0 200 200
Central bank Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 1,507 2,668 2,627 41 200 0 0 200 200
Central bank Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Central bank Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 363,040 60,205 43,076 17,129 126,055 0 0 126,055 126,055
Central bank Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 401,058 57,569 40,449 17,120 166,560 0 0 166,560 166,560
Central bank Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -39,525 -32 0 -32 -40,705 0 0 -40,705 -40,705
Central bank Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 1,507 2,668 2,627 41 200 0 0 200 200
Central bank Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 1,507 2,668 2,627 41 200 0 0 200 200
Central bank Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Central bank Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 363,040 60,205 43,076 17,129 126,055 0 0 126,055 126,055
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,847,057 694,673 1,221 334,326 359,126 359,126
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 28,310 -26,711 -4 -29,144 2,437 2,437
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -63,547 833 0 232 601 601
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -63,352 833 0 232 601 601
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -195 0 0 0 0 0
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,811,820 668,795 1,217 305,414 362,164 362,164
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,828,028 683,905 1,221 332,858 349,826 349,826
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 30,416 -24,654 -4 -28,817 4,167 4,167
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -63,313 830 0 231 599 599
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -63,118 830 0 231 599 599
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -195 0 0 0 0 0
Deposit-taking corporations and MMFs Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,795,131 660,081 1,217 304,272 354,592 354,592
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,845,964 694,520 1,221 334,220 359,079 359,079
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 27,892 -26,817 -4 -29,225 2,412 2,412
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -63,560 833 0 232 601 601
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -63,358 833 0 232 601 601
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -202 0 0 0 0 0
Deposit-taking corporations Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,810,296 668,536 1,217 305,227 362,092 362,092
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,827,020 683,792 1,221 332,753 349,818 349,818
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 30,016 -24,760 -4 -28,898 4,142 4,142
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -63,326 830 0 231 599 599
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -63,124 830 0 231 599 599
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* -202 0 0 0 0 0
Deposit-taking corporations Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 2,793,710 659,862 1,217 304,086 354,559 354,559
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,093 153 0 106 47 47
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 418 106 0 81 25 25
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 13 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 6 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 7 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Not consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,524 259 0 187 72 72
Money Market Funds Consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,093 153 0 106 47 47
Money Market Funds Consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* 418 106 0 81 25 25
Money Market Funds Consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* 13 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* 6 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Consolidated Other volume changes 2024 2nd quarter* 7 0 0 0 0 0
Money Market Funds Consolidated Closing balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 1,524 259 0 187 72 72
Other financial institutions Not consolidated Opening balance sheet 2024 2nd quarter* 6,440,061 184,851 510 69,456 114,885 114,885
Other financial institutions Not consolidated Financial transactions 2024 2nd quarter* -5,335 9,624 23 10,837 -1,236 -1,236
Other financial institutions Not consolidated Other changes 2024 2nd quarter* -42,355 196 0 165 31 31
Other financial institutions Not consolidated Price changes and revaluations 2024 2nd quarter* -52,513 196 0 165 31 31
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table presents financial transactions, other changes in assets and financial balance sheets of the sectors of the Dutch economy. It enables insight in many financial aspects in the Netherlands. Such as the magnitude of the debt of the government, the mortgage debt of households, the assets of investment funds in shares, the loans lent by financial corporations. Sectors are presented both consolidated and non-consolidated in this table.

Data available from:
Annual figures from 1995.
Quarterly figures from first quarter 1999.

Status of the figures:
The annual figures from 1995 up to and including 2022 are final. Quarterly data from 2022 and further are provisional.

Changes as of September 23rd 2024:
Data on the second quarter of 2024 are available. The figures for the first quarter of 2024 have been revised. Figures for 2022 and 2023, mainly other accounts receivable/payable, have been revised as a result of updated information on the government accounts.

When will new figures be published?
Annual figures:
The first annual data are published 85 day after the end of the reporting year as the sum of the four quarters of the year. Subsequently provisional data are published 6 months after the end of the reporting year. Final data are released 18 months after the end of the reporting year. Furthermore the financial accounts and stocks are annually revised for all reporting periods. These data are published each year in June.
Quarterly figures: The first quarterly estimate is available 85 days after the end of each reporting quarter. The first quarter may be revised in September, the second quarter in December. Should further quarterly information become available thereafter, the estimates for the first three quarters may be revised in March. If (new) annual figures become available in June, the quarterly figures will be revised again to bring them in line with the annual figures.
Please note that there is a possibility that adjustments might take place at the end of March or September, in order to provide the European Commission with the latest figures.

Description topics

Monetary gold and special drawing rights
The monetary gold and special drawing rights category consists of two subcategories:
- monetary gold
- special drawing rights
Monetary gold
Monetary gold includes all gold, which is not intended for industrial purposes and not held in the form of valuables. Monetary gold can only be held by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB).
Special drawing rights (SDRs)
SDRs are international reserve assets created by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and which are allocated to its members to supplement existing reserve assets. This transaction only exists for DNB.
Currency and deposits
Currency is notes and coins that are issued or authorised by monetary authorities. Deposits are standardised, non-negotiable contracts with the public at large, offered by deposit-taking corporations and, in some cases, by central government as debtors, and allowing the placement and the later withdrawal of the principal amount by the creditor. Deposits usually involve the debtor giving back the full principal amount to the investor.
Currency consists of notes and coins in circulation that are commonly used to make payments.
Transferable deposits
Transferable deposits are deposits exchangeable for currency on demand, at par, and which are directly usable for making payments by cheque, draft, giro order, direct debit/credit, or other direct payment facilities, without penalty or restriction.
Savings deposits and other deposits
Savings deposits and other deposits are all the savings of individuals and deposits (in euros and foreign currency) at any resident and non-resident bank, which are not immediately transferable without restrictions.
Savings deposits
These deposits include all deposits in euros and foreign currency of both residents and non-residents in the form of normal saving accounts, fixed saving accounts, premium saving accounts and fixed-term saving accounts.

Other deposits
Other deposits include all deposits in euros and foreign currency at any resident and non-resident bank (except for saving deposits in euro's), which are not immediately transferable without restrictions.