Dutch control companies; outside and within the EU zone; Industry

Dutch control companies; outside and within the EU zone; Industry

Countries SIC 2008 Periods Foreign subsidiary (number)
European Union (excl. the Netherlands) 52 Warehousing, services for transport 2022* 497
European Union (excl. the Netherlands) J Information and communication 2022* 913
European Union (excl. the Netherlands) 62-63 IT- and information services 2022* 667
European Union (excl. the Netherlands) 63 Information service activities 2022* 79
The Netherlands 52 Warehousing, services for transport 2022* .
The Netherlands J Information and communication 2022* .
The Netherlands 62-63 IT- and information services 2022* .
The Netherlands 63 Information service activities 2022* .
Netherlands Antilles 52 Warehousing, services for transport 2022* .
Netherlands Antilles J Information and communication 2022* .
Netherlands Antilles 62-63 IT- and information services 2022* .
Netherlands Antilles 63 Information service activities 2022* .
Source: CBS.
Explanation of symbols

Table explanation

This table contains figures on turnover, employees, personnel costs, investments and the number of foreign subsidiaries over which a Dutch institutional unit has control (Outward-FATS). The data can be broken down by industry according to the Standard Industrial Classification 2008 (SIC 2008) and the country where the foreign subsidiary is located.

The nationality of a company is determined by assessing globally which institutional unit has control over the company group. For the data in this table, the Ultimate Controlling Institutional unit (UCI) of the group of companies is located in the Netherlands.

The data is collected in the context of the 'Foreign Affiliates Statistics' (FATS) statistics of the statistical office of the European Union (Eurostat).

Data available from: 2021.

Status of the figures:
The figures of 2021 are final and the figures of 2022 are provisional.

Changes as of April 29, 2024:
Incorrect UCI determinations have been corrected in the 2021 figures, as well as corrections that could be made through analysis of several years.
Also the provisional figures of 2022 have been added.

When will new figures be available?
- In November (23 months after the reporting year) additional information will become available on the basis of which the data will be given a definitive status.

Description topics

Foreign subsidiary
A foreign subsidiary is defined as a foreign company over which predominant control can be exercised.